9/29/2020 1:00:00 PM | Virtual via CadmiumCD Platform, , TX

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GCPA Fall 2020 Virtual Conference

Online registration is now closed. On-site will be available at the event at on-site registration prices.


GCPA 35th Annual Fall Conference
Tuesday, September 29th - Thursday, October 1st

Conference Chairs:
Brian Lloyd, Regional Vice President, Sempra Energy
Caitlin Smith, Vice President, AB Power Advisors 

This Fall’s Largest VIRTUAL Gathering of
Electric Power Professionals in the Gulf Coast Region

- Twelve Dynamic Sessions & Keynoters
- Participate in Q&A and Live Polling
- Interact with Other Attendees via Small Groups & Chat
- Visit with Sponsors & Exhibitors in the Virtual Exhibit Hall
- Join Us at a Virtual Happy Hour

Download the Conference Brochure
Download the Sponsor/Exhibitor Brochure



Conference Co-Chairs:
Brian Lloyd, Sempra Energy & Caitlin Smith, AB Power Advisors

Tom Anson, Clark Hill Strasburger 
Jim Barkley, Baker Botts
Katie Coleman, Thompson & Knight
Mark Dreyfus, MD Energy Consulting LLC
Keith Emery, Tenaska Power Services
Beth Garza, R Street Institute

J.P. Urban, PUCT




Diamond Sponsors


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Gold Sponsors




Media Partner


Interested in Sponsoring or Exhibiting?  Download our Sponsor/Exhibitor brochure (opens in new window) and contact Mary Armstrong, Director of Member Services & Marketing, at 281.460.3054 or marmstrong@gulfcoastpower.org



1:00 PM   GCPA President’s Welcome: Katie Coleman, Partner, Thompson & Knight
                Acknowledgements & Instructions: Kim Casey, Executive Director, GCPA
                Conference Introduction: Brian Lloyd, Regional Vice President, Sempra Energy
                                                         Caitlin Smith, Vice President, AB Power Advisors

1:30 PM   KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Paula Gold-Williams, President & CEO, CPS Energy - Navigating Your Pathway with Resiliency”
Facilitated by: Mary Anne Brelinsky, President, EDF Energy North America

Gain insight and wisdom as dynamic leader Paula Gold-Williams, President & CEO of CPS Energy, shares her career journey and advice on overcoming adversity as well as the tools that we should utilize to empower not only ourselves but those we lead and serve. 

2:00 PM   PANEL I - “Diversity and Inclusion as a Business Driver in the Power Sector”
Join GCPA Board President Katie Coleman as she leads an open discussion with leaders of key organizations dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusion in the energy industry. The panelists will evaluate where we, as an industry, stand in inclusion and diversity of membership and viewpoints, and ways in which we can do better. Learn how companies can foster a culture of inclusion, not only within their organization but also within the broader energy sector, and why this is good for business. 

Moderator: Katie Coleman, Board President, GCPA; Partner, Thompson & Knight

Bob Gee, President, Asian Americans in Energy, the Environment, and Commerce
Paula Glover, President & CEO, American Association of Blacks in Energy (AABE)
Jose L. Perez, President & CEO, Hispanics in Energy

3:00 PM   BREAK

3:15 PM   KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Joe Tracy, Exec. Vice President & Sr. Advisor to the President, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas - National Economic Outlook”

Joe Tracy will discuss the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the U.S. economy, including updates on key industries and employment. He will address how the Federal Reserve is responding during this unprecedented crisis and supporting the functioning and stability of the banking and financial system.

3:45 PM   PANEL II - “ERCOT: The View From Wall Street”
The electric power industry has certainly not been immune to the effects of COVID. Lower electricity demand, supply chain issues, work-force disruptions, a slow-down in renewable investments, and COVID related bad debt are just a few of the issues affecting the financial health of various segments. In addition, extraordinarily low natural gas prices are having a significant impact on the market. PUC Commissioner Arthur D’Andrea and a distinguished panel of Wall Street analysts will share their perspectives on the current dynamics affecting the electric power industry and the outlook for future investment. 

Moderator: Comm. Arthur C. D’Andrea, Public Utility Commission of Texas

Julien Dumoulin-Smith, Equity Analyst, Bank of America
Gabe Grosberg, Sr. Director, North American Regulated Utilities Sector Lead, S&P Global
Rebecca Kruger, Managing Director, Goldman Sachs

4:50 PM   VIRTUAL HAPPY HOUR: Join our mixologist Andrew Barlow, Director of External Affairs, PUCT along with special guests Sallie Rainer, President & CEO, Entergy Texas and J.P. Urban, Executive Director, PUCT. Andrew will lead us through the creation of a favorite cocktail while chatting with his guests. An ingredient list will be sent out to all attendees - so get ready to mix and enjoy!


1:00 PM   Opening Remarks: Kim Casey, Executive Director, GCPA

 1:05 PM   KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Jeffrey W. Martin, Chairman & CEO, Sempra Energy  - “The Value of Leadership”
Facilitated by: Lisa Alexander, Sr. Vice President, Corporate Affairs, Sempra Energy 

1:30 PM   PANEL III - “Pandemics, Price Wars, and Policy Shifts: Outlook for Texas Oil and Gas”
Over the past six months, the Texas oil and gas industry has faced demand destruction from the COVID-19 pandemic, an international oil price war, and increased pressure on the environmental, social and governance front. This panel will discuss a tumultuous 2020 for Texas producers, and look ahead at the next set of policy, legal, and regulatory changes that might be coming in 2021. 

Moderator: Brian Lloyd, Regional Vice President, Sempra Energy

Ellen Buck, Vice President, Business & Operations Services, Oncor
Tim Perkins, Facilities Engineering Team Lead, MidContinent Business Unit, Chevron
Todd Staples, President, TXOGA

2:30 PM   BREAK

2:45 PM   KEYNOTE ADDRESS: DeAnn Walker, Chairman, PUCT - The PUCT Perspective”
Facilitated by: Brandy Marty Marquez, Former Commissioner, PUCT 

3:15 PM   PANEL IV - “Resource Development & Power Contracting Outlook”
We have long heard that the generation mix is changing. We will hear from this panel in more detail about the changing outlook for resource development and changes to power contracting, including any changes to development and power contracts due to contractual implications of COVID-19. We will hear from major players with different perspectives in generation technology, including thermal, wind and energy storage. Panelists will discuss how the outlook for each of these technologies is evolving, based on market, policy and contract drivers, both inside and outside of ERCOT.

Moderator: Pat Wood III, Principal, Wood3 Resources 

Doug Moorehead, Chief Technology Officer, Broad Reach Power
Vanus J. Priestley, Principal, Priestley Consulting
Caleb Stephenson, Executive Vice President & Co-Head of Wholesale Commercial Operations, Calpine

Grab a drink and meet and greet in virtual small group settings. A great time to network and make new connections!


1:00 PM   Opening Remarks: Kim Casey, Executive Director, GCPA

1:05 PM   KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Phil Wilson, General Manager, LCRA - Public Power in the Age of COVID-19”
Facilitator: Brian Lloyd, Regional Vice President, Sempra Energy
Phil Wilson has had the unique experience of leading both the Lower Colorado River Authority and the Texas Health and Human Services Commission during the coronavirus pandemic. He will share this experience as well as the many ways LCRA is supporting the sustained growth in Central Texas.

1:35 PM   PANEL V - “The Low Carbon Future in Texas”
Kenny Mercado will facilitate this conversation on carbon emissions in Texas, and particularly Texas’ largest city, Houston. We will discuss EPRI’s Low Carbon Resources Initiative (LCRI) and their coordination with The Center for Houston’s Future to use innovative and impactful research to bring about a low-carbon future in Texas. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality will join these panelists to discuss current research including the use of hydrogen and advanced technology with the potential to make a significant impact on carbon emissions.

Moderator: Kenny Mercado, Sr. Vice President, Electric Utility, CenterPoint Energy

Tonya Baer, Deputy Director, Office of Air, TCEQ
Neva Espinoza, Director, EPRI
Brett Perlman, CEO, Center for Houston’s Future


2:45 PM   BREAK

3:00 PM   PANEL VI - “The Future Is Electric”
Dr. Webber and Dr. Rhodes, from the University of Texas Webber Energy Group, will discuss future demand drivers for electricity, and share perspectives on possible future technologies and innovations in other parts of the world. We will explore advances and effects of electrification of previously non-electric industries including agriculture and oil and gas.

Moderator: Caitlin Smith, Vice President, AB Power Advisors

Dr. Michael Webber, Webber Energy Group, University of Texas at Austin
Dr. Joshua Rhodes, Webber Energy Group, University of Texas at Austin

3:45 PM   KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Evan Smith, CEO & Co-Founder, Texas Tribune

4:30 PM   CLOSING REMARKS: Kim Casey, Executive Director, GCPA


PEs: As part of the Continuing Education Program requirements for Professional Engineers in Texas, each licensed engineer is required to earn 15 hours per year of Professional Development Hours (PDH). Attendees will receive approximately 9 hours of credit if all conference sessions are attended.

CPAs: GCPA is a Board Registered CPE Sponsor with the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy. This registration does not constitute an endorsement by the Board as to the quality of our CPE program. Please click here to see the learning objectives for this conference. There are no prerequisites. Attendees will receive approximately 9.5 hours of credit if all conference sessions are attended.

Attorneys: The Texas State Bar has approved 4.75 hours of this conference (Sessions I, III, IV & V plus Keynoters DeAnn Walker and Phil Wilson) for CLE credit.



CONFERENCE PRICING - *Non-Member rate includes 2020 Individual Membership good through 1/31/21.


Early Bird Registration
through 9/8/20

Regular Registration  
GCPA Members $395 $595  
Non-Members *  $620 $820  
State Govt. Employees $175 $175  
GCPA Members in Job Search Mode $175 $175  
Non-Members in Job Search Mode * $400 $400  
Full-time Students $50 $50  


Registering more than 6 attendees? Save $100 off the GCPA Member or Non-Member rate beginning with your company’s 7th registration. Send more and save more! To receive this discount, please contact Penny Sullivan at 281-974-0624 or psullivan@gulfcoastpower.org.

REFUND POLICY - Cancellations must be received by 5 PM on Friday, September 18 in order to receive a refund. A 10% service fee (minimum fee of $10) will be charged against all refunds. Please direct all cancellation requests to Mary Armstrong at marmstrong@gulfcoastpower.org.